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Dogs image background

Royalty-free images and stock photos of dogs and puppies

Dogs are man’s best friend, not only in life, but in a host of creative projects as well. With so many dog breeds and canine personalities out there, it’s no surprise that many designers, social media managers, and bloggers have turned to dog images to help capture the specific tone of their brand. The Shutterstock image library has millions of photos, illustrations, and icons of dogs that can tell any story you need told. Whether you hope to inspire a sense of sweetness with a picture of a Dalmatian puppy dozing on a couch, or a sense of adventure with a majestic German Shepherd sitting by a campfire, Shutterstock’s dog image collection has what you’re looking for.

Dog images for websites

  • When selecting dog photos for your website, it’s helpful to use photos that have similar color schemes to your site’s brand or color palette.

  • A dog food company with an orange logo, for example, would benefit from using Shutterstock’s filter search options by searching for “dogs” and selecting “orange.” Photos of dogs rolling around in fields of orange flowers or jumping into piles of orange autumn leaves may leave a positive, lingering image in the mind of potential customers.

  • If you’re looking for a new background for your website, try an illustrated, repeating pattern of dogs engaged in the activity that your site is all about. A dog toy company could use a vector of pups at play with various bones and balls to remind consumers that dogs love a good, store-bought gift from humans.

Dog images for websites

Browse images and photos of dogs

Trending dogs images and backgrounds

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Choosing engaging dog images

In order to find the right one for your project, you can follow these simple tips to search for and pick out the perfect dog picture. Look for visuals that emphasize the dog’s features and keep the background noise to a minimum. Natural lighting and a blurred, soft-focus background can allow the dog to really shine. Make sure the dog’s eyes are crisp, clear, and expressive. A close-up shot of a pup’s engaging gaze is an easy way to connect with dog-loving consumers. If your aim is to emphasize the dog-human bond or inspire feelings of love and connection, opt for photos that include both a dog and their person. When searching Shutterstock’s library for images with people, you can select filters for age, ethnicity, and other characteristics to get images that positively demonstrate diversity.

Questions about dogs images and backgrounds

What is pet photography?

Pet photography involves a mix of photography and animal handling skills — and a whole lot of patience. It can be difficult to get a human to sit still and pose for a picture. An excited puppy that wants to run, sniff, and explore makes the perfect shot that much more difficult. A pet photographer can’t direct a distracted Rottweiler to take on a specific pose but must instead wait until the dog spontaneously positions himself in a desired way. To get crisp, clear photos, photographers rely on a camera with a fast shutter speed to capture those agility shots of a dog leaping up to catch a frisbee or racing along a shoreline. It’s also key that pet photographers have an acute understanding of lighting in order to avoid under or overexposed photos of dogs with all-black or all-white fur.

What are the hardships of dog photography?

Dogs aren’t fluent in human, which can make it tricky to capture the perfect dog photo. However, while the pet photographer can’t just say, “Cheese!” to encourage his subjects to smile, he can keep actual cheese, or other treats, on hand, to motivate the pup to look his way. Depending on the age and breed of the dog, the excitability and energy levels of the dog model also come into play. Photographers may need to tire their pups out with a long walk or tug-of-war session in order to get the dogs camera-ready. Dogs “smile” when tired, so this is a great way to get those happy shots.

Why do images of puppies look cute?

According to research, humans are hardwired to respond positively when looking at baby-like features - a large head, big eyes, chubby cheeks. Puppies, essentially baby dogs, have this same “cute” schema. Simply looking at pictures of cute dogs tends to boost the viewer’s mood. In this way, letting your gaze linger on photos of French Bulldog puppies in little blue blazers is actually good medicine. Looking at a picture of a jumping-for-joy Pomeranian can even help you concentrate better.

How to choose a photogenic dog picture?

There are a few key questions to ask yourself when picking out a photogenic dog picture: Is the dog looking at the camera? If so, are his eyes clear and vibrant? Is there an engaging expression on the dog’s face? Does the composition of the photo emphasize the dog and its personality or is the background distracting? You can also try getting creative with angles. A clear close-up of an upside-down puppy face peeking out from the top of the frame can delightfully surprise viewers, while a close-up shot taken at eye-level can make the viewer feel closely connected to the dog.

How to find a perfect dog image on Shutterstock?

Shutterstock has best-in-show, or, best-in-class image search. You can search for dog images by typing keywords directly into the search bar at the top of each page. Then, further refine your search by using the advanced filters on the left side of the screen. This includes image type, like photo vs illustration, and the colors you want featured in the visual. Found the perfect picture of Fido somewhere else on the web? You can find a similar licensable, royalty-free image using Shutterstock’s reverse image search. Go to the search bar, and on the right side you will find “Search by image.” Click this and then simply drag and drop an image of your choice. Shutterstock will return your search, perhaps even faster than Fido would return a ball, with similar images from our image library.

Dogs free images
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Try the Shutterstock image library. Download a collection of some of our best dog images, 100% on the house.

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