

Zinc is a silvery white, almost metallic color inspired by the mineral of the same name. Because of its cool shimmer, this hue blends wonderfully with many shades of grey. It looks great with cool tones. This color and pastels are a natural pairing, but you will need to add depth, perhaps a darker grey, to keep things from getting too ethereal and floating away, or worse, looking insipid and boring. Zinc and silver naturally go together. Use this shade, along with silver, to highlight and accessorize, adding items such as pillows, throws, picture frames, and objets d’art in this hue. For a coolly dramatic effect that is at home in modern decorating schemes, add this color to black. A bit more energetic than crisp white, zinc adds pizzazz to lighter shades of blue and turquoise, making this combination ideal for a teenage girl’s bedroom. With its unique sparkle, this color is fun and flirty yet still innocent. In the fashion world, zinc is a natural for makeup, especially eye shadow. This hue also makes attractive nail polish, giving nails a shimmery, nearly neutral finish. Handbags and even shoes this color add lightness and a fresh feeling to outfits. This tone is appropriate any time of year, due to its lightness as well as its festive shimmer.


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