
Bright White

Bright white offers the purity of fresh milk or a summer cloud. It is the color of new snowfall or the tall, chalk cliffs of Dover, England. White is the presence of all colors, as it fully reflects every wavelength. It is perceived as pure and unblemished. It is the color of innocence. In the fashion world, fresh shirts in bright white are wardrobe staples year-round for women and men. It instantly pulls outfits together. Young brides in crisp dresses this color draw sighs of appreciation. This hue belongs everywhere, however, not just in fashion circles. Bright white is a powerful, refreshing statement for interiors. Architects love this hue, as it lets objects shine for what they are. Lines and shapes stand out. It makes interiors seem larger, and it adds a sense of freshness. Bright white is the eternal classic choice for walls in any décor style, from cottage to modern. However, without some warmth, this hue can seem sterile and even cold. Additional decorative elements and color schemes depend upon the effect you want, but certainly the final result should be somewhat spare, as this color does not invite clutter. Bright white is infinitely pure and fresh. Found throughout nature, it is natural itself and serves as the ultimate neutral. It creates a blank canvas, ready to showcase beauty.


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