
Pink Lavender

Pink lavender is a pale pink color that gets its name from the Hidcote Pink lavender flower, which was first introduced to England in the 1920s. The plant looks like a typical lavender plant. However, instead of the deep purple flowers characteristic of the natural foliage, the Hidcote Pink plant has soft pink, almost white, flowers. The color was made commercially available in 1958. Pink lavender's complementary color is, unsurprisingly, lavender. You’ll often find the two colors together in lavender fields, with rows changing between deep purple and white-pink. When using pink lavender in your home, consider incorporating elements of true lavender to recreate this stunning visual. For a preppy yet feminine look, pair pink lavender with white. Consider painting your dining room walls or the walls of your daughter's room pink lavender. Use white and mirrored furniture to really make the space pop. Incorporate elements of emerald green in the form of foliage, fabric, and accessories. You can also use pink lavender, along with seafoam green, coral, and white, to create an airy beachside retreat. Pay homage to 1960s Havana and utilize bamboo furnishings, with bright pink cushions, and accents in emerald and sage greens to create a tropical oasis, 60's style. Pink lavender is a versatile color. Depending on what you pair it with, you will achieve drastically differing effects.


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